Looking for top-notch meat processing?

We've expanded our business to offer custom meat processing services for both beef and pork customers. With our commitment to quality and precision, you can trust us to handle your meat with care.

Currently, we're processing about 25 head of beef per week, ensuring efficient and timely service for our valued customers. Whether you're a small-scale producer or a larger operation, we're here to meet your processing needs.

For additional questions, submit the attached contact form for us to contact you, or call Taylor at 509-821-0442!

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
Type of Cattle:*
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
Our custom processing fees are $1.25/lb for standard cut and wrap, additional fees may apply for special cut instructions. Do you agree to these prices and fees?*
Do you understand you are responsible for scheduling your own mobile slaughter date? We work with multiple custom slaughter businesses, and would be happy to help you, just contact us!*
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